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Marketing Monday: Why and How to Use Video Content Marketing for Your Business

Published Lynne on Monday, June 26, 2023 11:00 AM

Marketing Monday: Why and How to Use Video Content Marketing for Your Business

Any marketing strategy in 2023 would be seriously missing out if it wasn’t placing an emphasis on video content. Read on to find out why video is crucial and how you can incorporate it into your marketing efforts.

What is Video Content Marketing?

Video content marketing is the use of video to promote a brand and increase engagement on a business’ digital and social channels. It’s usually published on YouTube or social networks, and can come in many forms.

Why is Video Content so Important?

Since video is such an engaging medium, this content has become an essential part of marketing strategies for businesses. Consumers like it because it’s easy to digest and engaging, and marketers like it because it can give a potentially huge return on investment (ROI). Video is also easily shareable across multiple platforms, and accessible to anyone with internet access. And not only do audiences love videos, but Google loves them as well, making them great for search engine optimisation (SEO).

Examples of Video Marketing 

Being such a versatile marketing tool, there are many ways video can be used to boost conversions.

Brand Videos

These kinds of videos showcase a company's mission, products and services, with the goal being to build awareness and intrigue the target audience.

Explainer Videos

Audiences can better understand why they need your product or service through explainer videos. These focus on the fictional journey of a buyer persona who is struggling with a problem which can only be overcome by adopting your business' solution.

Live Videos

These offer viewers a special, behind-the-scenes look at your company. Live-stream interviews, presentations and events offer high audience engagement by allowing viewer comments and questions.

Customer Testimonials

One of the best ways to prove you offer a top service is by creating case study videos featuring your satisfied customers. They are your best advocates for describing their challenges and how your business helped solve them.


Written by Stephanie Clark

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